A great energy, a limpidity not usual in today’s days, a clarity of ideas that denotes the person accustomed to facing life’s events head-on. “Sovereignty to the People: Remedies and Solutions for Economic Recovery” vol. I., “Nationalization of the Bank of Italy: concrete help to families and businesses” and “New development Europe” and which will be substantially comprehensible also in the text of the next publication “Sovereignty to the people: history of capitalist strategies for a new agreement Italian”. These are works of careful analysis and documentation of rare competence, absolutely precious and clarifying for anyone who wants to find out about the current situation and the reasons for the profound unease of the nation. In short, something that clearly explains why and how we got to this condition.

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For some decades Italy has been under the influence of exogenous forces, not always in line with the health of the nation and its citizens. (Remember the famous phrase: ‘Europe asks us to?’.) The transfer of national sovereignty to a little transparent body, governed – as it later turned out – by forces aimed solely at economic and political power, – read lobbies – has not been good for all of us, which Italy still calls ” Homeland “, as the core and essence of everything that is our roots, our history, our culture, our traditions. In a word, all that we must safeguard and protect, together with our ancient ethnic origin – without wanting to do racism. What you would like, is the realization of what is called “New World Order”, or, in English, with the acronym NWO (New World Order), and which refers to the usual overseas names: the Rotschilds, the Rockefeller, the Soros; and not only. That is, that heap of powerful world championships who gather under the aegis of the so-called “Club Bilderberg” once a year, to decide the fate of the world. Their weapon is the immense capital they have accumulated and continue to accumulate with unscrupulous high finance operations. With an operation of ‘just’ four / five billion dollars or euros thrown on the market, the spread of any nation can grow in an instant. Just think of the gain that George Soros made in twenty-four hours, with the devaluation of the lira, which he caused by selling lire in the open, and causing Italy to leave the EMS. Italy’s loss was around $ 48 billion. On that black Wednesday, it was September 16, 1992, Soros earned one billion and one hundred million dollars from the 30% devaluation of the Italian lira. Today someone wonders if the defense of Ciampi against the lira, on that occasion, was in good faith or only a game of the parties. The fact is that for many Italians the loss of monetary sovereignty is tight, as are the rules established by a European Parliament which has practically made our economy and our policy prisoner. The only remedy, according to the most accredited world economists, would be the exit of the euro, which would allow us to regain the possibility of printing money according to our needs. Insert the balance in the Constitution, with art. 81, was one of the acts, perhaps the most serious, carried out against our nation.

Instead, the American economist Paul Krugman says: “By adopting the euro, Italy has reduced itself to the state of a third world nation, which must borrow a foreign currency, with all the damage that this entails”. And that’s the reality. Here is a 1999 statement by Jean-Claude Junker, current president of the European Commission: “We make a decision, then we put it on the table and wait a little to see what happens. If it does not provoke protests or riots, because most people do not understand what has been decided, we go on, step by step, to the point of no return. Tommaso Padoa Schioppa again in 1999: “Europe is not born of a democratic movement. Europe was born following a method that we could define with the term ‘Illuminated Despotism’. “As reported by the great jurist, essayist and politician, Prof. Giacinto Auriti,” Without monetary sovereignty, the new generations will have no other choice than that between suicide and despair. “We could continue for pages of these declarations, and we could present multiple analyzes of what was done with the intent to take over our popular sovereignty, precisely that sanctioned by our Republican Constitution , resulting from a period of blood and suffering, as was the war that our people had to suffer, and from which it came out with broken bones, but a great desire to start again. Precisely Article 1 of our Constitution states: “Italy is a republic founded on work. Sovereignty belongs to the people, who exercise it in the forms and within the limits of the Constitution. ” Today our Constitution is subject to the rules of a European Constitution. Injustice is clear, and, like all injustices, it generates a reaction in those who have a high sense of love for their land and for those who live in it. Well, the wish and hope is that the new generations, the our children and grandchildren, do not have to pay for the mistakes of their fathers and grandparents, inheriting a hopeless country. We remain willing to fight together to contribute, each with their own talents, to improve our society .I am trying, in my own small way, with an extraordinary associative project, that of CILP. ITALY (www.cilp-italia.com) which will allow the most lively categories in the country, businesses, freelancers and all of us consumer citizens to represent that flywheel that will relaunch the economy and work in our country.

Avv. Antonio Pulcini